Then Jesus did many other miraculous signs in his disciples’ presence, signs that aren’t recorded in this scroll. But these things are written so that you will believe that Jesus is the Christ, God’s Son, and that believing, you will have life in his name. (John 20:30-31)
I spoke recently with a respiratory therapist who has treated patients with COVID. She told me about the first person she treated who was afflicted by the virus. She explained to him what they would be doing before intubating him. Though he was having difficulty breathing, he forced out the words, “I didn’t think it was real.” Those were the last words he ever spoke. He had ignored recommendations that might have protected him because he didn’t believe what health officials were saying.
What we believe is important because we act on what we think is true. The writer of the Gospel of John wrote to promote faith in Jesus. To him, it was a matter of eternal life.
What do you believe?
Dr. Sam