Jesus Christ is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything. Colossians 1:18
Next week, First United Methodist Church, Sarasota, begins a new era of ministry under the leadership of Pastor Brett DeHart. Our Lord Jesus Christ has initiated this new beginning. With much prayer and spiritual discernment, two bishops and their cabinets have been part of the decision to appoint Pastor Brett to FUMC. The Lord is about to do something new in this congregation and in our community.
What can the congregation do to make this new beginning a success?
Giving Christ “first place in everything” will make the Lord’s will clear, grow the desire to accomplish Christ’s mission and ministry, and fill you with the joy of serving in the church and community. As you adjust to new leadership and discern new directions, remember the church is the only institution that does not exist for its members’ sake but for Christ’s sake.
This is my last devotional as your pastor, but my prayers for you continue. I have confidence that God will accomplish great things in you and through you in the coming months and years.
In God’s amazing grace,
Dr. Sam